Valuing startups accurately is both an art and a science. As angel portfolio fund leaders, it's important to understand the startup valuation framework and key concepts that underpin startup valuations to make informed investment decisions. If you have already read my previous article about the Valuation Framework, you are ready to get familiar with some fundamental concepts that will help you navigate the complex world of startup valuation.

Product-Market Fit

One of the crucial factors in valuing a startup is its product-market fit. This concept gauges how well a startup's product or service meets the needs of its target market. A strong product-market fit indicates that there is demand for the offering, and the startup is positioned to capture a significant market share. Investors often look for startups that have validated their product-market fit through user adoption, customer feedback, and engagement metrics.


Scalability is another vital concept that influences startup valuations. Investors seek startups that have the potential to scale their operations without proportional increases in costs. A scalable business model allows a startup to grow its customer base and revenue rapidly, leading to higher returns for investors. Demonstrating how a startup can efficiently handle increased demand is essential for a favorable valuation.

Market Size and Addressable Market

The market size is a key consideration in valuation. A startup operating in a large and growing market has a higher potential for generating substantial revenue. However, what's even more important is the startup's addressable market – the portion of the total market that the startup can realistically capture. Investors assess how well the startup understands its target market and its strategy for reaching and dominating that market segment.

Traction and Growth Rate

Startups with a track record of steady and impressive growth naturally command higher valuations. Traction refers to the momentum a startup has gained in terms of user acquisition, revenue growth, or other relevant metrics. A high growth rate indicates the startup's ability to capture market share quickly and generate returns for investors. Consistent growth validates the startup's business model and attracts investor confidence.

Competitive Landscape and Moats

Assessing the competitive landscape is crucial. Investors look for startups that have a competitive advantage or a "moat" that protects them from competitors. This could be in the form of intellectual property, unique technology, network effects, or strong branding. A startup with a sustainable competitive advantage is better positioned to maintain its market share and profitability over the long term.

Management Team

The startup's management team plays a significant role in its valuation. Experienced and capable founders with a track record of success inspire confidence in investors. A strong team can execute the business plan effectively, navigate challenges, and adapt to changing market conditions.

Understanding product-market fit, scalability, market size, traction, competitive landscape, and the management team's capabilities provides a good enough framework for assessing a startup's potential value. By evaluating these factors along with industry trends and market sentiment, you can make more informed investment decisions that align with your portfolio's strategy and objectives.

This article has been written inspired by a presentation by Fernando Andreolla, Financial Manager of COREangels, during a 2023 Leaders Meeting. Leaders Meetings are bi-monthly online events exclusively for COREangels Fund Leaders.