Rui Falcão Honored as Business Angel of the Year 2023

© Link to Leaders

In a celebratory event last Thursday, Rui Falcão was awarded the prestigious "Business Angel of the Year 2023" by INVESTORS PORTUGAL, the association that represents business angels, venture capitalists, and early-stage investors in the country. The accolade was presented by Reginald Vossen, President of Business Angels Europe, and Lurdes Gramaxo, President of INVESTORS PORTUGAL, both prominent figures in the promotion of angel investing across Europe and Portugal.

The COREangels co-founder and COREangels Lisbon Managing Partner expressed his gratitude for the honor, attributing his success to the collective support and contributions of his peers, co-founders, and the broader angel investing community. "This award is largely due to the support and contributions of everyone who has been an angel and entrepreneur alongside me, helping, guiding, and contributing to my growth," Rui Falcão remarked. He extended special thanks to his co-founder Pedro Bandeira and Cintia Mano, highlighting the instrumental roles they have played in his journey.

In his acceptance speech, Rui Falcão highlighted the difficulties encountered by entrepreneurs and angel investors, roles he has adeptly managed for many years, promising that “You can count on my commitment to continue improving this journey, promoting the professionalization and public recognition of angel investing, increasing industry liquidity, and becoming more competent in our mission to serve entrepreneurs and co-create value with them for greater startups”. 

© Rui Falcão

"This award is largely due to the support and contributions of everyone who has been an angel and entrepreneur alongside me, helping, guiding, and contributing to my growth"

Rui Falcão's recognition as Business Angel of the Year 2023 marks a significant milestone in his career and underscores his impact on the angel investing community in Portugal and beyond. His vision and dedication continue to inspire and shape the future of startup investment, fostering a thriving ecosystem for entrepreneurs.