Algarve Impact Meetup

Bringing angel investors, startups and entrepreneurs in renewable energy, circular building, regenerative agriculture together for a networking session.

May 7, 2024
15:00 - 18:00
LACO Business Hub, Lagos, Portugal
Bringing angel investors, startups and entrepreneurs in renewable energy, circular building, regenerative agriculture together for a networking session.
Event Details

Bringing startups, angel investors and entrepreneurs together, that work on societal challenges, like renewable energy, circular building, regenerative agriculture.

With a welcome drink in our hands we will shortly introduce visions of the different hosts. You are invited to take a tour in the Laco Hub and we will offer the opportunity to present yourself or your initiative as a guest. And of course, there is time for an informal chat accompanied by drinks & snacks.

About Circular Hub Algarve

The Circular Hub Algarve is an incubator for business, a marketplace for knowledge and a clubhouse where entrepreneurs and investors can meet. It is also the place where challenges meet their solutions, public and private. All with full focus on societal challenges and making a positive impact.

About the Speakers

Wouter Heijnen

Angel investor, innovation expert and founder of Circular Hub Algarve, a bridge between innovative companies offering tools to tackle the big societal challenges in Portugal. Wouter is participating in Angel Fund Launchpad program, launching a COREangels fund in Portugal aiming to support impact startups.

Alexander Griekspoor

Alexander Griekspoor is an independent software developer, entrepreneur and angel investor at COREangels Lisbon and COREangels Climate. He is the board member at the Portuguese-Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

Mark Haaksman

Expert in digital transformation, climate adaptation, circularity and business innovations, Mark is participating in Angel Fund Launchpad program, launching a COREangels fund in Portugal aiming to support impact startups.

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