Web Summit Lisbon

This meeting will focus on preparing for the upcoming Web Summit Lisbon and the COREangels Day event. Learn about the key activities, sessions, and networking opportunities, and get tips on how to make the most out of these significant events.

October 23, 2024
15:00 - 16:00
Leaders only
Invitation Only
This meeting will focus on preparing for the upcoming Web Summit Lisbon and the COREangels Day event. Learn about the key activities, sessions, and networking opportunities, and get tips on how to make the most out of these significant events.
We will explore
  • Overview of Web Summit Lisbon and COREangels Day;
  • Key sessions and activities to attend;
  • Logistics and arrangements.


About Leaders Meetings

Leaders Meetings are bi-monthly online events exclusively for COREangels Fund Leaders.

About the Speakers

Ela Zohrevandi

Ela is the global community manager at COREangels. With a background in sales, marketing, engineering, communications, and creative writing, Ela fosters collaboration, curate engaging content, and facilitate valuable connections among entrepreneurs, angel investors and fund leaders at COREangels.

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COREangels Day

Join the biggest gathering of COREangels global community! Meet COREangels Angels, Leaders, and Startups in Lisbon during the Web Summit conference.

November 11, 2024
17:00 - 21:00
Save the date

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Join Fund Leaders Community
Join Fund Leaders Community