Simplifies the management of attendance, absences and delays in companies.
"Joining the portfolio of COREangels Atlantic was an important milestone for QRPOINT, in addition to having the opportunity to carry out the internationalization process with the support and expertise of COREangels, we have access to a network of investors and companies that can help us in many different areas. COREangels Atlantic has a strong role in supporting its portfolio startups, with monthly monitoring, contribution, consulting and mentoring helping us to better align our strategies with our metrics." - Eduardo Fiuza Lobo, CEO of QRPOINT
Lucas Oliveira, Monnaliza Medeiros and Alexandre Caruso, head of community at Bolder talked about Networking and follow-ups, one of the faces of smart money.
Um webinar para startups que buscam expandir suas oportunidades através do acesso a fundos europeus. Vamos falar de fomentos na Europa, sobretudo os portugueses e ensinaremos o tipo de pensamento analítico para compreender de forma prática as tendências de fomentos estatais na Europa.